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Something I've recently taken to doing is keeping one eye on the big torrent sites, just to see what's topping their download lists. I do so because it's illuminating to compare what people are willing to take differs from what people are willing to pay for. However, I thought it'll be an interesting exercise to be a little more rigorous than that. So, hitting the Mininova, I totaled all the separate torrents for each popular game and worked out a chart. This is a snapshot of PC gaming piracy, on a single torrent site, on a single day.
Age Of Empires 3 Torrent
Methodology first. The numbers are total leechers. That is, number of people who are downloading from a torrent right now. Many of these - and the ones with the highest scores - have multiple torrents, which means it's possible that trying multiples at once to see which one gives the game first. However, since I've only added up the torrents from the PC games sections first page - smaller torrents on the second page with less than 293 leechers have been omitted. Also, these are only torrents on Mininova. It's the largest torrent site, but there's many, many more. Finally, I've counted bundled packs - where the Add ons are added to a torrent - as a single game for simplicity.
Secondly: The torrent kids will go wild for shooting stuff. In fact, any kind of shooting stuff. They don't even care if it's any good, as the sixth-position for the poorly-reviewed Turning Point demonstrates. While there's more strategic games there, what's also worth noting that the current big game - Sins of A Solar Empire - is absent, despite sitting #2 in the US retail charts. Which you may say is a cute demographic snapshot - though, I'll note, that while relatively few people are downloading it, despite the fact it has no copy protection, it's the second-most seeded torrent - even if no-one's taking, people seem determined to try and distribute it for some reason.
Thirdly, let's try a little really rough - if conservative - maths. Call of Duty 4 has been on sale for 113 days, assuming day zero piracy. A seven gig torrent, assuming a 100k download speed, takes just under a day to download. Assuming that the rate of downloads now is constant across those whole three and a bit months - which is incredibly conservative, of course, as it'd have been much higher upon release - that means 993496 copies will have been illegally downloaded via Mininova alone. Which is the sort of number that makes Infinity Ward sad.
It would have been bad enough had this differential growth in favor of the heartland powers been merely relative to the power of the seafaring nations on the Western rim- land; the dismal fact of the matter was that the same period also witnessed a precipitate decline in the power of the latter in an absolute sense. The indescribable tragedy of two great civil wars within Western society in two successive generations left the Atlantic nations bankrupt and exhausted, their economies ruined through the liquidation of their overseas investments and the breakup of their empires, and their political faith shaken to its roots in the realization that all their sufferings and sacrifices had assured them nothing more than temporary survival in a world which had grown steadily more perilous with the passing of each bitter year.
The Challenge of Communism. Once every so often, out of the deep ferment of a world constantly changing, there bursts a torrent of human activity, loosed by the sheer force of an idea and guided and impelled along its way by a small group of dedicated and purposeful men. The great religions of the world broke upon humanity in such a way, as did so many of the ideas which together form the fabric of our own Western culture. For good or evil, these surges of idealism will continue to make their contributions to the culture patterns of men and in the long view will determine the course of history without reference to who at the moment has the biggest battalions or the most atom bombs.
A strategy must promote realistic goals that match available resources. While Mr. Biden incurs a torrent of political blame, the onus primarily belongs on previous us administrations of both parties which failed to reconcile expansive ends with limited means. Unbridled aspirations fed grandeurs of state-building in a place hostile to good governance.
If a successful strategy must align ends and means, the ability to project power is only as strong as local conditions allow. The potency of offensive force must not be measured by its lethality or technological sophistication alone. Instead, it also needs to be assessed based on its impact on the society in which troops are used and how they can help achieve desired objectives. In short, projecting power from afar cannot impose order on the ground without sufficient political will and support from the local population. Nowhere is this truer than in Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires. 2ff7e9595c