F.A., M.P., G.L.S., M.R.B. and P.D.L. conceived the research project. N.L.G., P.D.L., R.T.O. and F.A. developed and tested the customised crucible-piston system to perform in situ moderate pressure, high-temperature X-ray microtomography experiments. F.A., M.P., G.L.S., N.L.G., E.W.L., R.A.B., R.T.O., D.D.G., M.E.H., H.M.M., R.A., P.D.L. and M.R.B. contributed to the beamline experiments. F.A. collected the volcanic rocks for the starting material. R.A.B. and H.M.M. prepared the starting material. F.A., M.P. and G.L.S. performed tomographic image reconstruction. F.A. and M.P. performed image processing and segmentation. F.A. performed image analysis. F.A. and E.W.L. performed rheological calculations. F.A. and G.L.S. performed numerical simulations using the dike model. F.A. performed chemical analysis. F.A. collected samples of the Etna 2001 eruption. F.A. acquired back-scattered electron images of Etna 2001 eruption samples. F.H. performed EBSD measurements. F.A., M.P. G.L.S., D.A.N., R.A.B., D.G. and M.R.B. wrote the manuscript, with contributions from all other authors.
Heidy Model Set 021
Effect of defoliation on diversity and relative abundance of trophic groups. Effect size of defoliation on MOTU diversity (a) and relative abundance of reads (b) for each trophic group with 90% credible intervals. The barplot (c) shows the total number of reads (logarithmic scale) of each trophic group in the overall dataset. A multilevel linear model was fitted individually for each trophic group with a dummy variable for defoliation as predictor and a random factor accounting for the nested sampling design. MOTU diversity was standardized by the maximum value observed within each trophic group to obtain comparable effect sizes between groups. The colours correspond to the trophic class definitions (see Fig. 2).
Associate Professor Heidi Ballard, an expert in environmental science education, is embarking on two newly funded research projects to study the efficacy of employing citizen science as a learning tool and a sustainable model for rigorous research. One project will focus on adults and the other on children.
Explore an equity-centered grantmaking platform making it easy for grantseekers via a common application and easy for grantmakers to find and fund new organizations. JustFund was founded with a new approach to philanthropic grantmaking in mind, one that is trust-based, values-aligned, and that can fuel the movement for social and racial equity. We believe there is a lot of good that philanthropy can do if we use our power wisely and equitably. JustFund provides funders with the ability to streamline their grantmaking process via a common application, and makes the ability to both seek and distribute funding simple and easy. We are disrupting old models of giving and building new ones rooted in equity. JustFund is a community of values-aligned funders who care about reimagining what philanthropy is and what it can be. To date, JustFund has moved over $115 million from funders to organizers, collectively supporting more than 600 funders and more than 6,000 organizations.
Despite the importance of psychological treatments for mental health, evidence-based interventions aimed at improving resilience and coping skills are lacking for people who present with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts to emergency departments (EDs) in Australia [18]. Effective psychological interventions could also provide an improvement in depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms; coping strategies and resilience; and a reduction in representation rates to emergency settings with attempted and completed suicides. Furthermore, there is a need to deliver new and innovative psychological interventions that are based on the most updated models and research [18].
No Data Safety Monitoring Board has been appointed for this study. The study is considered low risk by HREC, and care is as per current Gold Coast Health guidelines for consumers, which already follows a leading postvention model (the SPP). The ASSIP-CBT steering committee provides oversight on the ongoing conduct, safety, and progress of the trial.
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Appendix A-5 of Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1199 'Alternative Radiological Source Term for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors' provides guidance - applicable to RADTRAD MSIV leakage models - for scaling containment aerosol concentration to the expected steam dome concentration in order to preserve the simplified use of the Accident Source Term (AST) in assessing containment performance under assumed design basis accident (DBA) conditions. In this study Economic and Safe Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) and Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) RADTRAD models are developed using the DG-1199, Appendix A-5 guidance. The models were run using RADTRAD v3.03. Low Populationmore Zone (LPZ), control room (CR), and worst-case 2-hr Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) doses were calculated and compared to the relevant accident dose criteria in 10 CFR 50.67. For the ESBWR, the dose results were all lower than the MSIV leakage doses calculated by General Electric/Hitachi (GEH) in their licensing technical report. There are no comparable ABWR MSIV leakage doses, however, it should be noted that the ABWR doses are lower than the ESBWR doses. In addition, sensitivity cases were evaluated to ascertain the influence/importance of key input parameters/features of the models. less 2ff7e9595c